
What is PTA?

The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a private, non-profit organization of parents, teachers, and community members who strive to better the lives of children. We are part of an association that is organized at the local, state, and national levels. By joining your local PTA, you are automatically a member of Jeffco PTA, Colorado PTA and National PTA. The PTA is the largest parent involvement organization in the United States, with nearly 6 million members. PTA was created to better the lives of children, and it continues to flourish because we never lose sight of that goal.

Why Join PTA?

When you join the Warder Elementary PTA, you join a community that encourages student achievement and enriches the learning environment. We believe in building partnerships between our families and our schools. Together we can make a difference.  Additionally, your membership dues help to fund our work at Warder Elementary.

How Does PTA Support Our School?

The Warder PTA supports all children in our school. We reinforce and strengthen classroom studies by providing teachers with money for classroom materials. We coordinate volunteers as the school and staff request. We sponsor a variety of events, programs and projects.

PTA is…
  • a powerful voice for all children
  • a relevant resource for families and communities, and
  • a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child

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